Tag: Nicolas Cage

Cage Against the Dream Machine : Kristoffer Borgli- “Dream Scenario”

Cage Against the Dream Machine : Kristoffer Borgli- “Dream Scenario”

“It Was All a Dream” has been the subject of both hackery and brilliance as long as humans have been catching winks. Joseph had dreams back in the book of Genesis; Shakespeare took us through “A Midsummer’s Night Dream,” Calderon De La Barca said “Life is a Dream.” Androids have dreamt of electric sheep, and … Continue reading Cage Against the Dream Machine : Kristoffer Borgli- “Dream Scenario”

Thrice Bitten (Part 1): Chris McKay -“Renfield”

Thrice Bitten (Part 1): Chris McKay -“Renfield”

Poor Bram Stoker! He had no idea that the expanding popularity of cinema and the vagaries of copyright laws would turn a well-executed, well-received epistolary horror novel into part of the foundational, subconscious mythology of anyone born after 1897. And he never got to cash-in. It’s sort of impressive that a hundred years later people … Continue reading Thrice Bitten (Part 1): Chris McKay -“Renfield”